"Exchanging Texture"
2023 Texture Printmaking Studio Exchange Program
2023 TEXTURE版畫工作室國際交換計畫
Texture版 畫 ⼯ 作 室 抱 持 著 聖 誕 節 的 交 換 禮 物 般 的 ⼼ 情 , 舉 辦 『 換 版 EXCHANGING TEXTURE』給來⾃世界各地的版畫家。藉由交換計畫,讓來⾃世界各地的版畫創作者互相交 流。從2016年開始⾄今,Texture版畫⼯作室已舉辦第五屆『換版』,⾝為創作者的我們, 樂於分享⾃⼰的創作給相同的愛好者,也希望能把這份喜悅分享給全世界:)
Texture Printmaking Studio in Tainan, Taiwan, has been organizing “Exchanging Texture” for printmakers around the world since 2016. When we make prints, we also create different "Textures." Why not exchange these different creations with others, with the same excitement as exchanging Christmas gifts? We do hope printmakers can also share their ideas with one another through this program. As printmakers, we would love to share the happiness of creating artworks with fellow enthusiasts like us, moreover, to share this happiness with the rest of the world.
To join the "Exchanging Texture" program, participants are required to submit an original print with five copies. Three of the copies will be for exchanging with other participants. One copy will be sold as funds for Texture Printmaking Studio to continue running this program in the future. The last copy will be added to the collection of Texture Printmaking Studio and presented in a local exhibition in Taiwan.