2020 February - March
Art, Space and Nature MFA 2nd year solo project
Tent Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

The act of waiting is to find a point that would change the original status of waiting, to end the waiting, or to initiate a new segment of waiting.
In our perception of reality, time is a continuing process which we split into countless segments. In order to make the endless process productive (or bearable), people mark periods at almost every moment and constantly look forward to crossing them. When we go to bed, we wait to fall asleep; when we sleep, we wait to wake up. We create these cycles, we follow them, until our eventual death. The restriction of human limited time not only makes our lives meaningful; it also outstands the subjective cognition of now, which constitutes the concept of duration, and of temporality.
The exhibition Marking Time (2020) is a review to various ways to approach or define the character of time. The works are presented as various media such as prints, sound/space installation, video, or performance, and all followed with a piece of letterpress printing poem alongside.
Five works are created in this project, each of them stands for a unit of time, which can indicate a complete cycle or a certain duration, such as a day, a week, a second, or a sentence, a drop of water.
The juxtaposition of the works creates a context between constructed time frame and our present conscious. By making audiences to wait or spend or waste their time at the exhibition site in a non-productive way, these processes to experiencing durations tackle our interpretation of time.
Documentation Photos Credit: Harmony Jane Bury
Waiting for Dawn
Digital Image Loop
The end of night
Or the beginning of day
Should you get up and start the day
Or fall asleep at once
Every Wednesday Is a Brand New Day
Collected Items, Letterpress Printing on Craft Paper (W:29.7cm, H:21cm for each piece)
There is a short moment on Wednesday morning
Everything is spotless clean
Until someone take the first step out
Then we start to wait
For the next Wednesday
Receipt of Now
Performance/Installation, Woodcut Printing on Receipt Paper
(W:10cm, H:19cm for each receipt)
Every second spent
Is a souvenir of the passing moment
Which will never come back
How long does it take?
For a drop of water to drop
How long does it take?
For an ice to melt
How long does it take?
For a river to arrive to an ocean
How long does it take?
For H and O to bond
What does that time sound like?
Without Planets
(A Response To The Book ”Katie Paterson” ISBN: 978-3-7356-0261-9)
Collected Items, Screen Printing on Japanese Shoji Paper
(W:59.4cm, H:84.1cm for each piece)
If there's no space between words
If there's no full stop at the end of sentences
If there's no planets in the universe